Tigers & Reds
These two worm species are most frequently used for composting around the world. In general, they excel in all facets of vermiculture. They thrive in both hot and cold climates, although the tigers and reds will slow their breeding in bedding temperatures over 25 degrees C. They reproduce quickly (1 worm will produce 9 worms per week under ideal conditions), as well as consume nearly all dead organic matter that they can fit in their mouths! Tigers and Reds are also the perfect worm for fishing bait.
These worms are the best all-arounders. However, they don't really grow much longer than 50mm.

Indian Blues
This Australian native worm species, also known as Spenceralia, reproduces the quickest when used for general composting (1 worm will produce 18 worms per week under ideal conditions). This worm consumes food more quickly than any other worm we have encountered. Indian Blues are unbeatable if you want to turn organic waste into worm compost as quickly as possible. Our team likes to refer to this worm as the Ferrari - it does everything fast!
The drawback of this worm is that it favours warmer environments and will attempt to leave its bedding if the conditions are not quite right. The average mature length is 50mm.

Gardeners Friend or Cod Worm
This worm is certainly the best soil-structure builder we have ever seen. The Gardeners Friend or Cod worms are a very large grey worm - being a true earthworm. We think that this worm is a genuine native of Australia and likes to live in soil over compost.
We have been astonished by this worm's capacity to create a completely aggregated soil with outstanding soil structure. These worms appear to prefer to consume the worm cast that the compost worms make. They then take this worm cast and place it along the tunnels they dig deeper into the soil profile - creating a soil that resembles Swiss cheese!
When you add this worm to your soil, it will become full of well defined tunnels that zigzag and are covered in nutrient-rich worm cast. These tunnels allow water to trickle through while also providing the best paths for plant roots to follow, thoroughly moistening the soil profile.
The Gardeners Friend or Cod worms, are incredibly energetic and tough on the hook, are possibly also the best fishing worm in Australia. The drawback of these worms is that they reproduce slowly and pose a challenge when bred in captivity.

The Catchall Crawler or European Nightcrawler/Dendro
At Kookaburra Worm Farms, we have been able to be the first to introduce this worm species to commercial breeding in Australia. These worms enjoy an excellent reputation as some of the best fishing bait worms in Europe and the Americas - so don't let their average size or their striped red colour deceive you.
These are obviously not large Tigers, however through extensive fishing trials we have conducted with these worms, they consistently catch far more fish in both terms of quantity and variety. In a controlled experiment, using two identically rigged rods and fishing in the same location for the same amount of time, African Night Crawlers caught two fish, Cod worms six, and Catchalls 36!
They work equally well in brackish and freshwater. Typical species caught with these worms include Bream, Whiting, Flathead, Estuary Cod, Javelin Fish, Trout, Murray Cod, Yellow Belly, Silver Perch, Australian Bass, Catfish, Carp etc.

We advise starting off with 1000 worms per family member for small-scale domestic worm farms such the "Reln Worm Cafe," "Can-O-Worms," "Tumbleweed Worm Farm," or the "VermiHut." Therefore, 4000 worms would be the ideal number for your worm farm if there are 4 people living in your home.
Although it will take longer for your worm farm to begin effectively recycling your organic waste, stocking with fewer compost worms is still acceptable.

Nothing is worse than waiting with excitement for your worm delivery, and upon your parcels arrival all your new worms didn’t make it through transit. When you shop with Kookaburra Worm Farms, we guarantee that you will receive a live delivery or we will replace your order for free - ensuring that nothing will compromise your compost or garden!

For our compost worms, we offer TWO different sorts of packs:
1. The deluxe "Bag O Worms," which includes both adult and young worms, the majority being juvenile worms because they live longer and convert more waste.
2. The "Compost Worm Bombs," a more affordable pack that just includes worm eggs.
For the avid composter, we now offer packs of 1000, 2000, and 4000 live worms in our Bags O Worms so that you get the most economical solution for a bulk order. Along with every order, we include a "Helpful Hints for Keeping Compost Worms" instruction sheet to ensure you make the most of your worms.
We grow all of our own worm food to ensure a consistent year round supply of worms. Because we breed our worms in a climate-controlled setting, we can always have worms available for a variety of quantities. We use fresh compost in poly woven bags as a unique bedding material for when we ship your order to ensure live delivery. The bags are shipped by Australia Post regular mail after being placed in cardboard boxes.

A worm bomb is a compact way to introduce growth to your compost system. The bombs are worm eggs, ready to hatch and populate your worm system with up to a thousand young and healthy worms - ready to munch their way through your organic waste! They will rapidly add to your worm population at an economical price - all you need to do is wait for them to hatch. They are slower to get started than mature worms, but once started they grow rapidly and will be munching away within a month or two.
The best way to add our worm bombs to your worm farm is to simply tip the contents of the worm bomb into your worm system, then sprinkle with a little water. Worm bombs can be added to your garden, but they will need shelter - which can be mulch, as well as moisture and food (manure is the perfect meal for these little workers!). Check out our complete guide here for more information on how to add compost worms to gardens.
Each week, we gather fresh egg capsules for our worm bombs. Prior to transportation, they are tallied and mixed with coarse worm casts. If you’re unsure how to introduce your worm bomb to your garden, we include guidelines for exactly how to do it!

Many people have been requesting an easier, more affordable method of introducing worms to their crops and recycling their organic waste. Well, it's here! We now have Our Little Rotter garden bed worm farm, which is great for cat litter and dog poop!
This tiny beauty has a flip-top lid with a tight fit. It is compact and reasonably priced to scatter throughout your landscape. It also includes a "Compost Worm Bomb" (a Compost Worm Bomb contains Worm Eggs, which will hatch into a thousand compost worms). Once you've set up your Little Rotter worm farm, all you have to do is feed and water the worms. Your worm eggs will hatch and develop into mature, adult worms in around 10 to 12 weeks. Your worms will then get to work enhancing your soil and creating a rich worm cast to maintain the health and happiness of your plants.
Each Little Rotter unit will service an area that is 220 mm square by 310 mm tall, covering up to 10 square metres.
The soil of your garden bed is covered by these little worm farms. You just need to open the clip lock lid, place your dog waste or kitchen scraps inside, and then close the top. The worms can migrate to and from the soil in your garden bed thanks to holes in the base of these worm farms - making these the best tiny worm feeding facilities for compost. The worms come out to the surface for a meal to recycle your kitchen and other organic waste.

The benefits of putting a Little Rotter in a garden bed are substantial:
First off, you significantly improve your worms' ability to recycle waste. Your worm farm's effective area now extends beyond the size of the worm farm to the real area of your garden bed. The only factor limiting the worms' ability to multiply to the point where they fill the garden bed is the quantity of scraps you feed them (they can never over breed as they have a natural mechanism to stop breeding when crowded). This means that compared to a normal worm farm of a much bigger size, you can recycle even more scraps.
Second, you are no longer required to perform the additional task of manually taking the worm cast from your worm farm and adding it to your garden bed. Now, the worms take care of this for you. After entering the worm farm to consume the garbage, the worms will distribute their casting throughout the garden bed for you. You only need to keep giving them the leftovers!
Thirdly, you now possess a worm farm that is weather-protected. The worms will flee into the soil if the sun is too hot and heats up the worm farm during the day, but they will come back as soon as the sun sets. The worms will once more exit the worm farm into the warmer earth if it is really chilly at night, and they will return for a feed when the sun comes out again. You shouldn't be concerned that the worms will disappear into the earth. The worms always go back to a place where there is plenty of food, shelter, and moisture.

Looking to start your very own composting system, but unsure where to start? We have decades of experience within the worm world - having made mistakes and found success along the way! We aren’t interested in keeping the industry secrets from you - download our complete guide for composting with worms to make sure you don’t make the same mistakes we did!

It’s time to take the plunge into the world of worms, start your composting journey today!
Have any burning questions about our products? Check out our FAQs and if you don’t see an answer get a wriggle on and contact our friendly team today.